◆ Established the company in 1992.
◆ Set up the branch office in HK in 1993
◆ Introduced 30-PIN module baseplate in 1994
◆ Introduced 72/168-PIN module baseplate in 1995
◆ Invested USD 2.5million to contruct PCB plant in Shenzhen China in 1996
◆ Passed UL, BP MLL, ID:EI86014 certification, and introduced SO DIMM circuit board in 1997
◆ Set up branch office in Califonia, USA in 1998
◆ passed the ISO 9002 certification, the ODC certification( do not contain chemical substance to violate ozone layer). Introduced Rambus, Rimm, and CIMM circuit board in 1999
◆ Introduced DDR module circuit board in 2000.
◆ Passed ISO 9001 2000 certification in 2002
◆ Set up rigid &flexible PCB Division in 2004
◆ Invested to contruct Qingyuan Plant in 2005
◆ The Qingyuan Plant first stage start production in 2006
◆ The Qingyuan plant second stage start production in 2007
◆ All production lines transferred to Qingyuan plant, and start production in 2008
◆ Passed UL certification in 2009
◆ NCPCB mass production in 2010
◆ OHSAS-18001认证 Passed ISO-14001, OHSAS-18001 certification in 2011